First 3D Blood Vessel Bio Printer - Current Affairs Questions and Answers

1)   Which latest innovation has been developed by Chinese biotech firm Sichuan Revotek?

a. World’s first 3D blood vessel bio printer
b. World’s first 3D printer
c. World’s first 3D bio printer
d. None of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: World’s first 3D blood vessel bio printer

Chinese firm Sichuan Revotek has said a considerable breakthrough has been received through self developed 3D bio-printer and cloud computing platform. This 3d blood vessel bio-printer makes it easy to produce personalised functional organs. Through this innovation, the stem based 3D bio-printing technology has been plastered. Blood vessel carry nutrients to organs and play a vital role in organ formation. The research team developed a new bio-ink called "Biosynsphere", whose primary goal is the personalised stem cell bio-printing to pave the way for organ regeneration.